Two years ago (January 2021) I had a guy contact me asking me to fix his crossbow and he said he had been struggling to string it and when he couldn't string it properly he "had to" cut the bowstring... And he was asking me if I could fix the bowstring and then string the crossbow for him.
Welcome to Project Gridless!
"I cut my bowstring. Can you fix it for me?"
DIY Turkey Broadheads, Part I
So I went on today and decided to browse Turkey Broadheads. Which are... ahem... Expensive. As shown in the image below.
And if someone has lots of money to burn, sure, why not.
But consider this...
During December 2022 (the holiday season) the average turkey in Canada was selling for $1.89 CDN per pound.
So for $70 CDN you could get approx. 37 lbs of turkey from the grocery store, which is way cheaper than even the cheapest of the three options listed above from Amazon.
Are there cheaper options available on Amazon? Yes.
Are there cheaper options available in hunting/fishing stores? Yes.
But an idea had been sparked so I decided to do some research. What about DIY turkey broadheads? That would certainly be way cheaper.
Certainly someone else has made their own DIY turkey broadheads? After all, what did people used to use before the advent of mass production? They made their own, or hired a blacksmith to make them.
There are unusual broadheads out there in this topic too, but the only ones I seem to be able to find are those made in factories
I haven't been able to find a single DIY / homemade turkey broadhead.
As far as I can tell nobody is making them, or if they are making them, they're not bragging about them and showing them off online.
Plenty of fancy ones to choose from, but I haven't found a single example of a homemade DIY turkey broadhead.
So I guess I have no choice. I need to make one myself.
The good news is I do have some cold chisels with which to do the job. I just need the metal and to come up with a suitable design for cutting and then sharpening my own DIY turkey broadhead.
So stay tuned for Part II, because this may take awhile before I have something worth showing (and bragging about).
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