
Useful and Cool Knots for Survivalists and DIYers

I learned knot-making back in Cub Scouts when I was a kid. Roughly 30 years ago.

Since then I have never really had a problem with making my own knots, untying knots, and have frequently taught other people how to do two of my favourite knots:

  • The Reef Knot
  • The Surgeon's Knot*

* Which if you know anything about knots, the Surgeon's Knot is basically just a modified version of the Reef Knot - although it should be noted that there are different variations of the Surgeon's Knot. The version which was taught to me was one used by two surgeons who were archery students of mine, so I trust that their version is an "Authentic Surgeon's Knot" even though I have seen other variations of how to do a Surgeon's Knot. All this really shows is how much I like the Reef Knot.

Still, I do enjoy learning new types of knots... especially those knots which are especially useful and easy to remember. And they are handy for a variety of purposes, whether it be DIY projects, survivalism, and as an educational tool for both adults and children. You can be certain I will be teaching my son knot-making as he gets older.

Fortunately I am not alone in this belief. Luke from Outdoor Boys (the YouTube channel) also shares my interest in knot-making and in passing on his knowledge. So here are two of his videos on the topic:

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