
Weekend Archery Lessons in Toronto

For over 8 years now I have been offering archery lessons in Toronto on weekdays and weekends, but last year following the birth of my son I decided to retire from teaching archery lessons at the end of August 2017.

Well, semi-retire.

I finished teaching any outstanding lessons in September and October on the weekends, taking care of my son on weekdays while my wife worked on finishing her degree.

Leaving teaching behind for me has been sad because it means I don't get to shoot as much as I used to. One of the things I loved about my job for 8 years was that I got to do archery 5 days a week and my skill with the bow and knowledge of archery, archery lore and history expanded from my constant interactions with other archers.

This year, as of April, will mark my 29th year of doing archery - ever since I was 10 years old.

However there is a big difference. This year I am only teaching on weekends, as I will again be spending my weekdays with my infant son.

Below: My son sleeping on the floor. I had fun taking this photo.

So to anyone in Toronto looking for archery lessons on weekends, if you want someone who is experienced at teaching for 8 years (soon to be 9 years) and has been doing archery for 29 years - and will be teaching my son how to shoot as soon as he is old enough to behave responsibly with it - then look no further.

Email to learn more.

Archery equipment is provided by the instructor.
Archery students must be at least 16 years old. (Rare exceptions.)
Weekend lessons start at $90. Lessons are 90 minutes long.

Discounts for 3 or more lessons.

Discounts for Seniors - I really enjoy teaching seniors.

Rates for couples or 3 friends at

Have a nice day!

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