
Handy Woodworking Tools for DIY Projects

 Below is a list of handtools that every DIY woodworker should have in my opinion, as a person with all these tools will be able to do a wide variety of tasks.

This list is partially for my own personal use, as I have used a check mark (✅) on each of the tools I currently own. I shall be updating this list periodically based on any new tools I acquire.

I have also included definitions of the various woodworking tools and what they are used for.

Last Updated September 18th 2017.
  • Rip Saw - A wood saw that is specially designed for making a rip cut, a cut made parallel to the direction of the wood grain.
  • Bow Saw - A narrow saw stretched like a bowstring on a light frame, used for cutting corners.
  • Jig Saw or Coping Saw - A tiny saw similar to a bow saw, but used for cutting very tiny curves on relatively thin wood. See also Fret Saw. ✅
  • Key Hole Saw - A long, narrow saw used for cutting small, often awkward features in various building materials.
  • Cabinet Saw - A fine tooth saw for making small and precise cuts. ✅
  • Fret Saw - A saw with a narrow blade stretched vertically on a frame, for cutting thin wood in patterns. Similar to a jig saw.
  • Smoothing Plane ✅
  • Level ✅
  • Square ✅
  • Molding / Bevel Plane - Good for creating moldings or bevels in the edges of wood.
  • Wood Mallet - For hammering a chisel. ✅
  • Hand Auger - A type of drill. Powered by alcohol. Wink wink. ✅
  • Stanley 45 or 55 Plane - Able to perform a variety of planing functions (45 or 55 different plane settings).
  • Wood Lathe - While modern wood lathes are motorized and used for turning wood so they can be carved into circular bowls, spindles, etc... it is possible to get a foot powered wood lathe. And I would like one.
Foot Powered Wood Lathe
  • Draw Knife - Used for cutting thicker shavings of wood. ✅
  • Cabinet Scrapers - Useful for removing very fine shavings of wood. I just ordered two of these on September 18th off Etsy, so I guess that is now a ✅
  • A Dowel Making Jig - Used for making nice straight wood dowels... I currently am in the process of building one. It is currently on the backburner however and I will have to finish it later.
  • A Wide Variety of Wood Chisels - For carving wood. ✅
  • A Wide Variety of Rasps and Files - For smoothing the rough edges off of wood. ✅
  • Hatchet - A tiny axe useful for small jobs and finer cuts, easily portable. ✅
  • Broad Axe - For chipping wood away from large logs.

And now we shall pause briefly for a YouTube video by Roy Underhill explaining how to use axes. Because it is entertaining and educational. Looking for more tools to add to your collection? I recommend watching episodes of the Woodwright Shop for ideas.

The Beauty of Rabbit Hunting for the Off Grid Hunter

#1. Rabbits breed like rabbits. They are in zero danger of going extinct.

#2. Rabbits are pretty tasty. Good for making stew, hamburgers and the meat can be frozen, smoked, and saved for later.

#3. If you hunt them with blunt arrowheads you can also salvage the fur. The fur can then be used for a variety of items in your home and for making clothing.

#4. Getting a H2 bowhunting/falconry license is easier than getting a H1 rifle/bowhunting license because you can skip the PAL. Once you have your license small game like rabbits is more readily available then larger game animals like deer and moose, and not limited to such a short hunting season. Plus you don't need to purchase tags like you do for large game.

#5. While rabbits are small and challenging targets, that is actually part of the fun. Any decently skilled traditional bowhunter will be able to nail a rabbit at 20 yards or less pretty consistently.

A good way to practice rabbit hunting... set up a moving mobile archery target like the one in the video below. Rabbits don't like to sit still.