
#1 Connecting With Nature

By Aimee Rimes

In the beginning I wanted to start rock balancing as a way to connect with nature. Then sharing the joy of rock balancing with on lookers and friends became quite intriguing. Everyone has their own vision when they see the rocks balanced, from disbelief to inspiration. A lot of the time, people are really drawn into the rock art and ask questions and want to try it out for themselves. What's neat about rock art is that it can reach so many different people on different levels of skill and age, and connects us together as people as well as to the earth.

This is a practice that I have been doing for 2 years now, and find that it is a great stress relief, by the extreme focus that it takes to balance rocks makes the rest of the world disappear into a single focal point, where the mind, body and spirit are connect as one. For me, I am able to let go of many of thoughts and stored energy that I need to let go of, and not the rock of course!

Through rock balancing I have met so many wonderful people, and each tell me a different story about the sceen before them and how they feel about the rocks. Some have a quick inspiration and other prefer to stay as on lookers, in any event, it captivates that hearts and minds of many.

This post was imported from Canada Rock Art Balancing to Project Gridless.

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